
Monday, 8 July 2019

陈奕迅 (Chényìxùn) Eason Chen - 相信你的人 (xiāngxìn nǐ de rén) The One who Believes in you - Translate Hanzi, Pinyin, English, Indonesia Song Lyrics

陈奕迅 (Chényìxùn) – Eason Chen

Chinese title: 相信你的人(xiāngxìn nǐ de rén)
English Title: The One who Believes in you

电影 银河补习班 推广曲
Diànyǐng yínhé bǔxí bān tuīguǎng qū
zuòcí: Yáoruòlóng
Lyrics: Yao Ruolong
zuòqǔ: Chénxiǎoxiá
Composer: Chen Xiaoxia
编曲:陈辉阳、 伦伟杰
biān qǔ: Chénhuīyáng, lún wěi jié
Arranger: Chen Huiyang, Lun Weijie

Monday, 15 April 2019

Istilah-Istilah dalam Dunia Ticketing beserta Artinya (Terms and Meaning Used in Ticketing)

Ø Ticket
Yaitu suatu dokumen perjalanan yang di terbitkan oleh suatu perusahaan penerbangaan dimana orang yang namanya tertera di dalamnya berhak untuk menerima jasa angkutan sesuai dengan syarat perjanjian.
Ø Reservation
Yaitu Pemesanan tiket pesawat, yang dilakukan secara online maupun offline
Ø Booking
Adalah proses pencatatan data penumpang (PNR) kedalam system reservasi.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Effects of High Rate Social Interaction (Outline and Essay Example)

· Introduction
General Statement : Social Interaction Rate is a level of reciprocal relationship between individuals, individuals and groups, and group by group.
Thesis Statement : This essay will discuss about the positive and negative effect of high    social interaction rate.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Using Song as Learning Media to Improve Listening Skills: Reason, Strength and Weakness

A. Reasons :
· When we use a song as media, the learning process will be more interesting because the student will enjoy  the music. The student also will not feel bored as  the instrument of the music can make them relax.
· Using music as learning media is one of easy way to learn English especially to get and understand new vocabulary. If the students find new vocabulary or difficult word that they don’t know the meaning, they will find the meaning in the dictionary. It will be very useful for student who want to increase their vocabulary knowledge.

Resolving social problems to create a peaceful world (PROBLEMS IN THE SOCIAL INTERACTION RATE)

       In this era, social problem becomes something that easily happens in the society. Social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable [1]. One small example of social problem can be caused by social interaction rate. Social interaction rate is a level of reciprocal relationship between individuals, individuals and groups, and group by group.Two rate of social interaction are low and high. The problems that can happen in the two different rates of social interaction and its way to solve will be discussed in this essay.