
Friday, 7 December 2012

Tugas Mata Pelajaran Tour Guiding - TRANSFER IN

Hallo guys,
Kali ini aku mau berbagi hasil tugas Tour Guiding yang aku tempuh di SMK...
Tugasnya adalah menghafal teks Transfer In dan mempraktekannya. 
Jadi, Transfer in adalah penjelasan yang dilakukan oleh tour guide kepada ketua kelompok tour sebelum para turis atau pengunjung objek wisata melakukan tour..
Jadi ini bisa dilakukan di Bandara, Stasiun atau Terminal. Hanya berisi tentang perkenalan diri dan penjelasan sedikit ttg kemana akan pergi setelah ini...
Berikut teksnya....

Excuse me, are you Ms. Caroline from Tulip Group Holland?
Nice to meet you Ms. Caroline, welcome to Cakrabuwana Airport and welcome to my lovely city. I’m ..... from Topeng Wisata Tour and Travel. I am your guide during your stay in Cirebon. 

Well, how was your flight Ms? it was a long journey, right? I hope you can enjoy with our program today. Ok Ms, May I have your travel voucher? Ok I’ll save your travel voucher.

May I know where is your group? Can you tell them to move little bit over here? 
Good morning everybody. Before I introduce my self, you can pair the baggage tag on your luggage. Then you can put over here. Don’t worry with your luggage, it will be handled by our team. Ok, I would like to introduce my team. This is Ms. Yuli she is my assistant, and my name is ....... from Topeng Wisata Tour and Travel as your guide. 

Ok everybody, how was your flight? No problem, it was a long journey, right? But I hope you can enjoy with our program today. Our program today is check in to Grage Hotel Cirebon, it’s located in Jalan Kartini and the building is near with the biggest mall in Cirebon named Grage mall. 

Well, I will give you some information about our bus. Our bus ready in parking area, the bus name is “METROPOLITAN” and it has blue color. 

Ok, I think that we all are ready to go to our hotel. We have 10 minutes to prepare. Any body wants to go to rest room? Please go ahead, and turn left. My assistant will accompany you.
Ladies first. Main your head, main your steps!


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