Hai teman-teman, kali ini aku mau berbagi teks untuk tugas mata pelajaran tour guiding ON BOARD tapi untuk di daerah Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Jadi, ON BOARD ini adalah tour guiding atau penjelasan selama dalam perjalanan menuju suatu tempat wisata atau hotel. Semoga bermanfaat ya..
Group : Yes.
Guide : Good, thanks. I just want to make sure , you don’t leave
anything out of the bus.
anything out of the bus.
I’d like to re-Introduce our team . My name is …….. , You can call me …….. , I am your guide during your transfer in to your hotel. And beside me, my assistant, her name is …… and in my right side is Mr. ……. as our driver. And in my left side is Mr. ….. as our co driver in our journey.
Okay everybody, now we are leaving from Cakrabuana Airport. We will go to Santika hotel. Santika hotel is located in Jl. Wahidin No 34, it’s about 40 minutes from Cakrabuana Airport.
Now please make your seat comfortable, because now we are going to depart.
Before going to hotel let’s pray together according to our own belief’s.
(Ask your driver to start driving) : Pak …. Mari kita berangkat sekarang.
Well everybody now you are in Indonesia. Indonesia has three differential time of GMT. There are +07.00, +08.00 and +09.00. But now you are in Cirebon city. Cirebon city get in +07.00 from GMT. Please can you change your time with Indonesian time , now is at 12 am. Have you finished?
Indonesia is located in Asian continent especially in south east Asia .
Indonesia is wedged in by two oceans, there are Hindia ocean and pacific ocean. Indonesia is passing through by equator line so that Indonesia has two season. There are Rainy season and dry season. Rainy season usually starts from September until March and dry season from March until September. But as we know, our world gets a global warming so the season can’t be read anymore.
The government system in Indonesia is a Republic which leads by a president. The president is chosen by citizen because Indonesia is a democracy Country. Indonesia has a slogan about democracy, there is from people, by people and to people. The mother city of Indonesia is located in Jakarta.
The currency of Indonesia is Rupiah. You can Change your money in money changer or the bank around your hotel. Here, I have a sample of Indonesian rupiah. Indonesia has two kinds of money, there are : Bank note (Uang kertas) and coin (Uang logam). And this is example of Indonesian rupiah....
Indonesia is often called as archipelago but Indonesia has many big islands. There are Sumatra island, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and java island. Now, we are in java island precisely in west java especially in Cirebon. Cirebon is located between West Java and Central Java. So, Cirebon has many unique culture. Such as the language,
Cirebon has an own language, it’s called Bebasan or Cirebon Language. Cirebon language is a mixture between Javanese and Sundanese. For example is ” Priben Kabare??” Can you follow me that say Priben Kabare? Priben Kabare in English is How are you. ?
Majority Cirebon people are Muslim, so don’t be shocked if you hear Adzan at certain times, like in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. Besides, do not be shocked when you hear people talking in a high voice, it's because that's the nature of the cirebon custom. The most important tradition is the habit give and take which is always using the right hand and is considered impolite if we receive and give with the left hand. This habit is not only applied in Cirebon but also all Indonesians.
Cirebon comes from two words there are “ci” which means Cai or in English Water and “Rebon” is a kind of shrimp. So that, Cirebon is Called “ Kota Udang “ or the City of the Shrimp.
Cirebon has many culture such as Tari topeng or Topeng dance. Topeng dance is very unique, because the dancer uses a topeng or mask, and each character of the mask is different, namely: rumyang, samba, kelana, tumenggung and panji.
Beside variety of cultures, Cirebon also has many traditional food. Such as Nasi jamblang, empal gentong, tahu gejrot, nasi lengko, docang. Cirebon is also recognised as the one of central batik in Indonesia, precisely in Trusmi. The most famous style or design of Cirebonese Batik is Batik Mega Mendung.
Everybody on your left and your right side you can see Becak. Have you looked it???
It is traditional transportation of Indonesia, especially in Cirebon. The name is becak. It has three well and is not making a pollution, because Becak is not using machines but it is driven by human. And the tariff of Becak is depend on the distance, besides the capacity of becak is only for 2 people.
Well everybody, soon we’ll get to our hotel.
Everybody, now we are arrived in our hotel, please go out from the bus carefully. Main your step, main your head please.
I will handle your luggage and room. Please go to the lobby with my assistant.
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