Hi friends,
In this post, I would like to share one of project proposal that my friends and I made during “Pengembangan Media dan Sumber Belajar” or Teaching Media Course that I take during my bachelor program in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The assignment that we got was finding a barrier or an obstacle on learning process that faced by one school (including: teacher, students, learning media as well). In this task, we asked to give an innovation or solution related to the obstacle in order to make the learning process more effective.
At first, let me introduce my team,
I (from Cirebon) was worked with Mega (Mojokerto), Nada (Bojonegoro), Fadlan (Ambon), and Ulul (Sidoarjo). After a super long coordination and discussion, we finally decided to do a research in Sidoarjo. As my friend (Ulul) lived there, and she thought that some elementary schools in Kremnbung are (One district in Sidoarjo) still less effective in conducting learning process. After all, we decided to choose SD Al Ishlah Krembung - Sidoarjo as our object of research.
Before starting to write our proposal, we did a preliminary study (observation) in order to know the real situation and problem. In there, we found a problem that had been stated clearly in the video that I attached. Then, we start to write a background of research. After it has been finished, my friend and I discussed about what is the innovation that we can suggest for the school?
As we see that the problem faced by SD Al Ishlah Krembung is the lack of learning media used by the teacher that makes the students easily get bored on learning, we finally suggest the school to use LCD and one learning media that we suggested (flip-book). Our suggestion was aimed to reduce the use of excessive paper. Then, we started to write the second part and third part of our proposal.
After the proposal has been completed. we started to record our voice in order to be the voice over of our video. Lastly, we compiled and edited the video.
The content of video is divided into three parts:
Part 1: (a) Background of Research, (b) School Profile
Part 2: Discussion related to the suggested media.
Part 3: Conclusion and Suggestion
Here is the video:
New innovation of learning media for elementary school students ICT based. This proposal was formed in a video that contains new our recommendation to the SD Al Ishlah Krembung Sidoarjo to use flip-book as a learning media in order to attract students and improve the paper usage efficiency.
That’s all. Hopefully, It would be beneficial for all of you…
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